Monday, 20 July 2009

luna madness

bloody yanks goin on about going to the moon.

everyone noes the fuckers made it all up - ive seen the film where you can cleerly see the sign welcome to kalifornya in the background theres a macdonalds for fuck sake

anyway everyone noes that the BRITS were there first. I saw a documentry called 'the first men in the moon'. they went there in queen victoriars day!!! the yanks make sucha fuss but we were their 100 years ago!! the brits beat the selanites.

and have you seen those yanky astronorts? They must all be about 80. theyd have trouble findin there tackle let alonethe moon

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Monday, 18 May 2009

pigs in the thoughs

I always knew mps were dodgy but theyve all got there snouts in the though.

I've just done nearly six months just for putting a geezers eye out yet these fuckers stay loose spending OUR money on motes and shandyleers.

we should hang a few of them on tower bridge to warn the others off

the queen Mum would have known what to have done with them.

Were to soft in this country on traitors and scum
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Friday, 15 May 2009


Yeah Im back!!!

Nine months inside for calling some ponce an u*gly st*pid cunt! And putting his eye out with a spoon. He started it.

They put me in a sell with that Julian Clary and his fucking dog.

Wouldnt let me use the internet or even sleep with the wife. she had to smuggle in me skol and cwontro in her bra lucy shes a 44DD. well, came ina 44DD and went out a 32A!

Got out early for good behaviour. Im getting ratfaced stonearsed pissed up with the lads toniht but keeping the spoon at hom,e.
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