Just look at Reggie - she's got a job at Big Bo Peeps out on the ringroad. Everything on the menus lamb and mutton. I reckon she'll get molested in this get up if she aint careful. We'll sort the fuckers out, pull there eyes out. I dont think girls should work, bt they need money for poneys and stuff.
Ronnies got a job too -those girls have to do everything together. Shes one of the sheep and theyve run out of uniforms at the moment.
Im not even going to talk about Auntie Caitlins wedding yet - we're still all in shock. Give me a week or two and I might put some pictures on but only because Cheryls telling me too.
Then the guinea pig was sick all down the back of the computer and weve been off line for nearly a month. I kept getting dodgy computers from Sideways Freddy down the George but they didnt work.